Monday, June 9, 2008

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Prudhoe Bay

United States of America
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Since the discovery of oil in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, in 1968, the oil industry has dramatically transformed the former North American Arctic wilderness. Prudhoe Bay and 18 other oil fields currently sprawl over more than 2 600 km2 (1 004 square miles) in the region. North Slope oil fields now include 3 893 exploratory and producing wells, 170 production and exploratory drill pads, 800 km (497 miles) of roads, 1 769 km (1 099 miles) of trunk and feeder pipelines, two refineries, several airports, and a collection of production and gas processing facilities, seawater treatment plants, and power plants. These satellite images document the dramatic changes that the Prudhoe Bay region has undergone over the past 35 years. View detailed information


Anonymous said...

What percentage of this oil is being refined and used in the US today?

Anonymous said...

All of it.